[Peace-discuss] taxes for school

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 23 12:33:32 CDT 2008

I don't recall where I saw the item about reducing property tax if the 
sales tax for education goes through, though I think it was in the 
News-Gazette. This would not be the first time that knee-jerk "if it says 
it's for education it must be good" thinking was rampant.

So far as school funding goes, the unfunded mandates such as special 
education have meant for a long time that all new money goes into the 
mandates, and the expenditure for the median student in real dollars keeps 
going down. I'm not making this up- my wife was a public high school 
teacher and administrator, and knows the figures.

Universal suffrage requires public education. But the failures of public 
education are staggering. Kids routinely graduate without knowing either 
what the Bill of Rights says or what it means..... With this going on, the 
republic is in serious peril.


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