[Peace-discuss] Neo-con ridicule of the "Paultards"

Ron Szoke r-szoke at illinois.edu
Wed Sep 10 11:59:38 CDT 2008

Here's a Weekly Standard article about the Ron Paul gathering in Minneapolis.  
The general tone & genre is routine cutesy-smartass putdown of the weirdos & 
misfits who hold deviant political views.

-- Ron

Among the Paultards 
Even they are ashamed of their candidate's supporters. 
by Matt Labash 
Weekly Standard  09/15/2008, Volume 014, Issue 01 

While the press often considers the Ron Paul movement to be chock-full of 
cranks, wackos, and conspiracy theorists, I take a more nuanced view. For me, 
the Ron Paul Revolution is like a cozy winter fire. From a distance, the crackling 
flames of individual liberty and freethinking libertarianism take the chill off 
sterile two-party politics. But get too near the searing embers, and they will 
cause blistering, profuse sweating, and all-around general discomfort.
. . .

Article URL is 

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