[Peace-discuss] SAIC - AWARE demo

Paul Mueth paulmueth at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 14 11:56:18 CDT 2008

There was some interest in a game day/ broadway play demo on S First street at the corporate office of SAIC. I'm still working on an artilce for Public I  .. 

I liked to have a small box with the article outlining the intention to demo, contact info  or even a date to discuss demo, (or even a demo date)

I hope this can be discussed over the next meetings. . .

Belden found this quote, which I guess will be featured in a sidebar as well .. 
RE memo of understanding

"I fully understand if the university chooses to terminate the Blackwater MOU.  I think it has potential for both parties or I wouldn't have initiated it.  Everything I have done for five years has been in the interest of growing and improving PTI.  I recognize that others in the organization may view the relationship differently and that is out of my control.  If they are viewed as a liability to the University's reputation, I note that SAIC, who I understand to be a great company and with whom suspect  (sic) UIUC has a relationship has, I believe, been the subject of several BBC reports involving possible illegal spying during the Athens Olympics."  Tom Dempsey to U of I administrator Peg Rawls.

another bit regarding the corporate acronym

s-a-i-c in federal parlance  denotes "special agent in charge"


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