[Peace-discuss] Palin letter resources

Paul Mueth paulmueth at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 14 12:06:30 CDT 2008


I think there is something to gain from attacking the GOP's VP hypocrisies and idiocies. She's spoken before many events of Phyliss Schlafy's Eagle Forum, it seems, maybe there's video

Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin By AlterNet Staff, AlterNet. Posted Sept 2, 2008.


1: Palin supports gunning down wolves from planes

2: Palin doesn't believe global warming is man-made

3: Palin is the candidate of powerful far right-wing cabal; her nomination seals their support for the little-wanted McCain

4: Palin staunchly opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest

5: Palin takes unnecessary risks with the health of her own child, supports failed abstinence-only programs

6: Palin is under investigation for allegedly abusing her power as governor to help her sister in a messy divorce

7: Palin lied about her plans for the "Bridge to Nowhere"

8: A so-called political reformer, Palin has big money ties to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, who has been indicted for political corruption

9: Palin exploits her son's Iraq service for political gain

10: During her time as mayor, Palin drove a town deep into debt

 +11  Pailin's covering  up e-mails  which might  effect any of the above .. 

praying for "success" in Iraq and  an alaska pipeline seems another talking point .. 

This seems to be a common approach .. . . 

Pope Benedict Prays for Alitalia as Takeover Talks Break Down
(Bloomberg-- Pope Benedict XVI is seeking divine intervention for Alitalia SpA, the insolvent airline that's flown pontiffs on trips abroad . .. 

perhaps his god will have the pope bail out Alitalia


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