[Peace-discuss] Krugman on bailout

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 22 10:20:19 CDT 2008

Have a look at Krugman's comments in today's NYT. Paulson, Krugman points 
out, having claimed that there was no problem for some time, now says that 
the problem is so serious that he must be given dictatorial powers to deal 
with it. Krugman says that our buying all of the bad paper is NOT a solution.

Paulson's proposal looks like full-bore shock doctrine to me. Congress 
needs to be leaned on hard to hold hearings, rather than rushing to please 
Paulson and the bankers.

This whole thing is a scam. The financial folks argue that there isn't time 
for democracy because this is too much of an emergency. It is an emergency 
that they have made and that they continue to make. Put a zipper on your 
pocket- they are trying to pick it.


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