[Peace-discuss] Fw: Message from Senator Barack Obama

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Wed Sep 24 10:41:11 CDT 2008

It's clear from his tempered praise for the Bush administration's "military 
efforts" that "the real threats facing our country" come from Pushtun women and 
children sleeping in their beds in Pakistan -- tempered, because the raids so 
far are merely "baby steps," the Obama campaign says (in spite of the number of 
babies who will take no more steps).

"Senator Obama has been saying ... frankly since before the invasion of Iraq 
that the central front in the war on terror is Afghanistan and Pakistan, and we 
need to invest [sic] there," says the awful Susan Rice, "a senior foreign policy 
advisor to the Obama campaign." --CGE

E. Wayne Johnson wrote:
> Jenifer Cartwright wrote:
>> For my part, I will continue to push for a new course in Iraq that 
>> immediately begins a safe and orderly withdrawal of our combat troops, 
>> that changes our military mission to focus on training and 
>> counter-terrorism, that turns the management of this conflict over to 
>> the Iraqis, and that */focuses our military efforts on the real 
>> threats facing our countr/y*. I hope you will stay in touch in the 
>> days ahead.
> I hope you will write back to the Senator in the days ahead and
> enquire for some details on what he considers to be military efforts
> that should be focused on the real threats facing our country...

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