[Peace-discuss] Healthcare and Daughter Nadine

unionyes unionyes at ameritech.net
Sun Aug 16 20:05:39 CDT 2009


You want to accuse me of living in an " Ivory Tower " ?

Just for your info, I have had NO health insurance since my wife lost her job in April 2006 !

The end of 2008, I was able to get my daughter on Illinois KidCare for $ 40 per month, ( the only thing Blagoiavich (sp. ) did right )  as opposed to the $ 1300 per month the private corporate bastards wanted from us as a family of three !

My wife finally got a job where she has healthcare ( which is costing her $ 300 per month via the IEA Teachers Union ), from an annual salary of $ 18,000 per year.

So don't throw the " ivory tower " bullshit on me !

The difference between you and me is that I know bullshit when I see / hear it, and this Obama Care is nothing but that ( like everything else about him ).

It is a scam to get people to accept a half assed underfunded program that will NOT cover very many people and will FINE people who cannot afford healthcare and tax those who already have healthcare. And then once it is enacted, they will stall, hem and haw and NEVER insure the American public, meanwhile the pressure will be off of them and they will bullshit their way through the next decade. Meanwhile another 250,000 to 400,000 people will die needlessly, just so Obama's corporate buddies can maintain their yachts and lavish lifestyles.

All the time, alowing the private insurance companies to stay in business to plunder and profit off of us.

NO COMPROMISE  for a PHONEY corporate " reform " !

Tell me Jenifer,
What do you do for a living and are you insured via your employer ?

 MY wife has lived under both a public health care system in Germany and the " wonderful " U.S. private health care system. 
She cannot believe that Americans are not rioting in the streets DEMANDING healthcare for all  !

But then again, it is all too typical in this country, for those who have what they need to take the attitude of ;  " I have mine, fuck the rest of you "!
OR... " The democrats will take care of us, and if Hillary Clinton says Public Health Care is not " politically possible " ( ie. her corporate masters who contribute campaign money don't want it ), then it must be true " !


The ONLY way anything has EVER changed for the better in this country is when people took to the streets, turned-up the heat, and DEMANDED change.

NOT,  beleiving in and relying on bought and paid for politicians who promise " Hope and Change " !

The question is, do you have the courage of your convictions to do what has to be done to MAKE CHANGE  ?

David Johnson

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jenifer Cartwright 
  To: unionyes ; John W. 
  Cc: Peace-discuss List 
  Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Healthcare and Daughter Nadine

        Allow me to repeat:
        "Yes, of course single payer (Medicare for all) would be best... but if there aren't the votes to pass that this time, we have to support the best bill that has a chance, and -- because there may not be enuff votes for any significant kind of reform (shudder), we need to swallow our pride and push hard for what realistically we can get."

        Are you KIDDING that the reforms you mentioned belowed were all achieved in one fell swoop?? Of course not. Most of them took decades and decades of work and laws passed in small increments (you've mention some final stages) but none of these went thru until there were enuff votes to pass them. 

        Sorry, but I'm not willing to sit in my own ivory tower (where the livin' and health care are e-z) and refuse to accept reforms that would help many others until the US passes single payer. And since the votes for S P aren't there yet, let's take what we can realistically get now... and then the likelihood of single payer will be greater next time around, hopefully in the near future.

        A final Q: Would you throw away SCHIP or Medicaid or Medicare because there isn't single payer for everyone??? 

        DISGUSTING that latest talk is removal of public option altogether -- I tho't they had the votes for that at least... and if that's the case and they're compromising on that just to placate the naysayers, it's really pathetic and unacceptable. Let's keep pushing for that at least.

        --- On Sun, 8/16/09, John W. <jbw292002 at gmail.com> wrote:

          From: John W. <jbw292002 at gmail.com>
          Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Healthcare and Daughter Nadine
          To: "unionyes" <unionyes at ameritech.net>
          Cc: "Jenifer Cartwright" <jencart13 at yahoo.com>, "Peace-discuss List" <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
          Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 5:13 AM

          On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:31 PM, unionyes <unionyes at ameritech.net> wrote:

            I disagree Jenifer,

            This is EXACTLEY what the corporate interests want. That is, a compromise that doesn't solve the fundamental problem, which is THE PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY !

            Did the Women's suffarage movement compromise on getting only a vote on some things at the local level ?  NO !

            Did the Labor Movement betwen 1876 and the 1940's compromise on no Union and only a few changes in the workplace and pay with no representation ?  NO !

            Did the Civil Rights Movement compromise on a removal of just some of the Jim Crow Laws ? NO !

            And we should NOT compromise on anything but REAL PUBLIC HEALTH CARE, ie. MEDICARE for ALL  !

            Medicare for all needs to be the new civil rights movement of the 21st century, and hence we need to be in the streets, boycotting, sit down occupations, etc. whatever it takes.

            In regards to these congressmen and senators that won't vote for it, we need to make healthcare THE issue along with ending the wars.

            The message to these corporate whores in the U.S. Congress and Senate should be ; " you vote against REAL public healthcare ( Medicare for ALL ) or vote to fund ANY aspect of te wars, you will receive NO votes from us and we will focus on making certain you are not re-elected, no matter who we have to vote for to make it happen.

            This is what needs to be done, otherwise if we fall for the lie of Obama Care and " compromise " on a watered down half ass policy that leaves the fundamental problem in tact ( The Health Insurance Industry ) we ALL lose !

            NO COMPROMISE !

            Let's get in the streets and turn up the heat !

            David J.

          Right behind you, Dave.

              ----- Original Message ----- 
              From: Jenifer Cartwright 
              To: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net ; bdyskant at hearthstead.net 
              Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 3:48 PM
              Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Healthcare and Daughter Nadine

                    Hello AWARE Friends,
                    We all know that -- without at least a public option and lotsa regulation of the Ins Cos, those w/o health ins, period, and those w/ health ins but also w/ pre-existing conditions could be in a precarious position if we don't get some kind of health care reform soon. 

                    Yes, of course single payer (Medicare for all) would be best... but if there aren't the votes to pass that this time, we have to support the best bill that has a chance, and -- because there may not be enuff votes for any significant kind of reform (shudder), we need to swallow our pride and push hard for what realistically we can get.

                    There have been- and will continue to be lots of emails to Peace-discuss on this. Please make the phone calls, sign the petitions, and do whatever else you can to get the best possible healthcare reform NOW.    

                    And THANKS so much for writing, Barbara -- everyone on this list should read yr blogs -- Nadine has one as well -- for an inside look at yr situation... and then try to imagine what a future w/o health care reform could mean for Nadine and her family... or for them and their own loved ones.

                    --- On Sat, 8/15/09, bdyskant at hearthstead.net <bdyskant at hearthstead.net> wrote:

                      From: bdyskant at hearthstead.net <bdyskant at hearthstead.net>
                      Subject: [Peace-discuss] Healthcare and Daughter Nadine
                      To: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
                      Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 8:56 AM


                      Barbara here, still AWARE in western NY State.

                      Healthcare has gotten more personal since my 17-year-old daughter Nadine
                      was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia last May.  At best, she is
                      facing a chemo program of approximately 2 years and, after about 5 years,
                      a lifelong yearly monitoring for any kind of cancer..

                      So far we have "health insurance" although my husband has to stay at his
                      job to keep it, about 100 miles from Rochester, where Nadine and I are
                      located during her treatment  -- he misses being able to be with the
                      family..  And we don't know what will happen 5, 10, 30 years down the line,
                      how she can maintain the care she needs, how everyone who needs care will
                      (or won't) receive it.

                      I know we have it "better" than many people -- still the whole issue
                      touches me even more deeply now.

                      However, we're all at risk -- everyone -- from having illness or injury at
                      any time.

                      I'm just writing this personally to urge us all on in fighting for
                      single-payer healthcare for everyone -- we know it's what we need.

                      What a nasty, cruel, profit-ridden system we've got, and what a heroic job
                      we have ahead to lift us all out.

                      Love and peace,

                      PS -- For friends who want to follow our personal "journey" I'm keeping a
                      journal at barbaranadinestory.blogspot.com.  If you're in our area, give
                      us a "shout". 

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