[Peace-discuss] larry flynt on freedom and monetary policy

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Fri Aug 21 09:59:40 CDT 2009

E. Wayne Johnson quoted
> "The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the 
> average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single
> issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our
> government from those who would make us their slaves."

True enough, but the linchpin is the "political class"*, who've thrown in their 
lot with the fraction of 1% of the population who own the country -- altho' 
their interests as a group lie with the 80%.

It's been a principle of American politics since it was enunciated by the first 
chief justice of the US Supreme Court, John Jay, that "those who own the country 
ought to govern it."  The political class make that happen.


* "...there are two different groups [who are] targets for propaganda. One is 
what's sometimes called the political class. There's maybe twenty percent of the 
population which is relatively educated, more or less articulate, plays some 
kind of role in decision-making. They're supposed to participate in social life 
-- either as managers, or cultural managers like teachers and writers and so on. 
They're supposed to vote, they're supposed to play some role in the way economic 
and political and cultural life goes on. Now their consent is crucial. So that's 
one group that has to be deeply indoctrinated. Then there's maybe eighty percent 
of the population whose main function is to follow orders and not think, and not 
to pay attention to anything -- and they're the ones who usually pay the costs" 
[Noam Chomsky].

(If the 20% are the linchpin, the 80% are the wheel that does the work by going 
around in circles, and, I suppose the fraction of 1% is the axle, which goes 
along for the ride...)

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