[Peace-discuss] Fw: What you can do right now

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 23 11:22:47 CDT 2009

--- On Sat, 8/22/09, Arshad Hasan, Democracy for America <info at democracyforamerica.com> wrote:

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Jenifer -

The energy this week has been incredible. The media tried to convince you that the public option was dead and that progressives were powerless. They're wrong and we've been proving it all week.

It's all because of you and the work we've done together.

It started with 400,000 thousand signatures of Americans drawing a line in the sand, demanding that the inclusion of a public option in healthcare reform is non-negotiable. Then over 10,000 people delivered these petition signatures to every single member of Congress, sometimes to multiple offices. Governor Howard Dean capped it off with a public delivery event in Washington D.C. that drew over 10,000 supporters.

Congress got the message. At least 64 House Democrats have pledged to vote against any bill without a public option. We need to thank our House Healthcare Heroes. Tell them to stand strong against pressure from insurance industry lobbyists.

We're winning today because you've been driving the debate and delivering results.

For the last two months, DFA members teamed up with OpenLeft-com and Healthcare for America Now to get every Senator on the record in support. The campaign is working. We are only four Senators away from the 50 we'll need to guarantee passage. We've been raising money all week to put extra staff and resources on the ground starting September 1st in as many as 10 states to pressure the remaining Senators. We will not stop until we win.

DFA members also teamed up with FireDogLake-com to mobilize House Democrats.. We made calls together. We went to Town Halls and spoke up. And we offered House Democrats the chance of increased exposure if they shot a video to drive their position home. At least 64 House Democrats have stood up publicly, taken our challenge, and several of them backed it up with a video. Thanks to your work and these 64 Democrats, a Healthcare bill without a public option is D.O.A. in the House.

Together with leaders like Jane Hamsher at FireDogLake and Chris Bowers at OpenLeft, we're delivering the results to get the job done. Let's make sure our House Healthcare Heroes know we have their back as long as they stand strong against insurance industry pressure.


We're not holding anything back.

We're continuing to pressure Roadblock Democrats like Senators Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu and Max Baucus with hard-hitting ads and personal healthcare stories of real Americans calling for change. And, with our friends at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, we're preparing to amp the pressure up for Republican Senators in Iowa and Maine just in time to send them back to Washington with a clear message to not block reform.

More than 1,000 DFA members have offered to become a spokesperson in rapid-response ad campaigns pressuring their member of Congress. We're ready to hit back against any Republican or Democrat - in any state - at any time if they plan to stand against the choice of a public health insurance option.

We're organizing everywhere to make sure we pass reform with a real public option. And just as it is important for us to be able to fight back against our opponents, it's important for us to be able to thank our heroes.


We're winning, but we can't sit back and hope it happens. We need to make it happen.

Thank you for everything you do to make sure we win.


Arshad Hasan, Executive Director
Democracy for America

P.S. On Tuesday, Governor Dean challenged DFA members to fund a campaign to put organizers on the ground in states where we still have Roadblock Senators. We've almost hit our goal. After you add your name, please contribute. We can be on the ground in as many as 10 states if we have the funds by Monday. 

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission. 

Paid for by Democracy for America, http://democracyforamerica.com/ and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 
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