[Peace-discuss] AOTA Tues. 25 Aug.

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sun Aug 23 19:59:30 CDT 2009

Unable to make the meeting tonight, I nevertheless intend to be at UPTV on 
Tuesday at 1pm to record AWARE on the Air for this week.

Ron Szoke has done yeoman service on AOTA recently -- I hear there's a fan club 
forming -- and I hope he'll be there Tuesday.  David Johnson joined us as a FOA 
(Friend of AWARE) for a good segment last Tuesday, but work schedules will 
prevent his doing that regularly.

We can use AWAREists and FOAs to join us to produce the cloud of witnesses (Mort 
will recognize the reference to Hebrews 12) that helps us presents our argument.

You don't need to prepare remarks or even say anything at all, or you can 
comment if prompted by the spirit of the moment.  The program is a spontaneous 
and unrehearsed reflection on the US government's ongoing wars around the world 
-- and on the opposition to them, both locally and nationally, from Americans 
who are appalled at our government's betrayal of our democratic principles.

So let's run with perseverance the race set before us and present the anti-war 
anti-racism arguments to a yet unknowing world.  See you Tuesday.  --CGE

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