[Peace-discuss] Re: [Peace] How to locate AWARE table - turning the facts on their heads

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Mon Aug 31 20:36:00 CDT 2009

I don't think being radical is like a golf handicap, capable of being rank 
ordered.  It's rather an attempt literally to go to the roots -- i.e., to 
attempt to understand things in an increasingly less trivial fashion.

But to do that it's first necessary to get the story right -- wie es eigentlich 
gewesen, just as it was, as the bromide has it. If that's done badly, one can 
understand things only by accident...

Remember, the repainting of the barn wall was finished only after the departure 
of Snowball.

And if you haven't read "Snowball's Chance," a 2002 novel by John Reed [sic], a 
brilliant sequel to Animal Farm -- Snowball returns, builds two mills, and 
they're destroyed by the woodland creatures -- you have something to look 
forward to. Christopher Hitchens called Reed "a Bin Ladenist"!

Regards, CGE

Bill Strutz wrote:
> "Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades, that all the evils of this life of 
> ours spring from the tyranny of human beings?" --Old Major
> I think that it is common knowledge that Carl is the most radical person in 
> the group; but when he gets out the paint-pot in the middle of the night and 
> repaints the barn wall, he's claiming to speak for the whole group.  And when
>  he constructs a narrative of the way that things were in the past, I find 
> that alarming.
> I hope that this doesn't  . . . Snowball.
> -- Bill

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