[Peace-discuss] WHAT accounts for the US' mindless support for Israel???

Karen Medina kmedina at illinois.edu
Wed Jan 21 16:57:36 CST 2009

Jenifer Cartwright asked > WHAT accounts for the US' mindless support for 

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is America's Pro-Israel 
Lobby. 100,000-members. Money beyond belief.

Of the two recent resolutions "recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against 
attacks from Gaza":
* Senate Resolution 10 passed by unanimous consent in the Senate.
* House Resolution 34 passed the House by a vote of 390 to 5. Rep. Nancy 
Pelosi was the sponsor and there were 116 co-sponsors. Those 5 voting 
AGAINST the resolution were: Dennis Kucinich, Gwen Moore, Nick Rahall, 
Maxine Waters, and Ronald Paul.

You really must look at the numerous statements of "American Leaders Speak 
Out in Support of Israel's Right to Self-Defense" updated January 15, 2009.

Is it the U.S.'s fear of Iran that gives this group (AIPAC) so much power?

Hey, have you seen the video of Obama at AIPAC's policy conference???? Scary 
but worth watching. 
He mentions the nebulous "shared interests, shared values."

AIPAC claims as their major achievements:
* Passing more than a dozen bills and resolutions condemning and imposing 
tough sanctions on Iran during the past 15 years.
* Securing critical security assistance to Israel each year to ensure that Israel 
remains capable of facing increased threats.
* Passing legislation requiring the administration to evaluate all future military 
sales to Arab states in the context of the need to maintain Israel's qualitative 
military edge over potential adversaries.
* Reinforcing the key principles America should stand by as it works to help 
Israel achieve peace in letters to the president signed by 268 House members 
and 78 senators.
* Passing multiple resolutions affirming congressional support for Israel's right 
to self-defense in the face of terrorism by the terrorist groups Hamas and 
* Strongly urging the administration to take its decision to designate Iran's 
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group and weapons 
proliferator through an amendment supported by 76 senators and key 
legislation passed in the House of Representatives.
* Strengthening U.S.-Israel energy cooperation by passing legislation that 
establishes a grant program that funds joint projects between U.S. and Israeli 
entities in the field of alternative energy.
* Strengthening U.S.-Israel homeland security cooperation by passing landmark 
legislation creating an office within the Department of Homeland Security to 
support joint research and development projects between the United States and 
key allies such as Israel.
* Prohibiting U.S. aid and contacts with a Hamas-led PA until its leaders 
recognize Israel's right to exist, renounce violence and ratify previous Israeli-
Palestinian peace agreements.
* Ratifying an agreement that led to the Israeli medical service Magen David 
Adom's admission to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 
* Passing the Syrian Accountability Act, which allows the president to sanction 
Syria for its continued involvement in Lebanon and support of terrorism.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 12:50:52 -0800 (PST)
>From: Jenifer Cartwright <jencart13 at yahoo.com>  
>Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Fwd: Message From Senator Durbin -- P S  
>To: peace-discuss <peace-discuss at anti-war.net>, "Brussel Morton K." 
<mkbrussel at comcast.net>
>Naive question on my part, but WHAT accounts for the US'    
>mindless support for Israel??? Jews are about 3% of the US  
>population, and almost all of the ones I know agree w/ me   
>about the situation in the ME.                              
> --Jenifer                                                  

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