[Peace-discuss] Obama gets another one right

Bob Illyes illyes at uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 26 13:27:26 CST 2009

Mort wrote "Indeed, I wish and recommend that discussions of God's 
immanence, how "we" are a Christian country, and why women's ability to 
decide their own lives should be forbidden are inappropriate for a 
peace-discuss list. (I wouldn't recommend Nazi propaganda on the list 
either, but I suppose to some that would be bigoted.)"

Indeed. Why strive for peace when we can have wars over sexuality and 
religion, eh? This sort of thinking gave us the Spanish Inquisition, witch 
burning, and the Holocaust. Why stop now?

Wayne commented regarding same-sex couples with children that he is "amazed 
that this sort of sick stuff is going on so close by." WHAT???

Want to take this back, Wayne? Calling people you don't agree with "sick" 
is really out of line.

I agree with Lori's "Amen, Mort".


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