Fwd: [Peace-discuss] Obama gets another one right

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 26 21:18:19 CST 2009

Actually, there is no such thing as a homosexual person, any more than there is 
such a thing as a heterosexual person. The words are adjectives describing 
sexual acts, not people ... The reason no one has yet been able to come up with 
a good word to describe the homosexualist (sometimes known as gay, fag, queer, 
etc.) is because he does not exist. The human race is divided into male and 
female. Many human beings enjoy sexual relations with their own sex, many don't; 
many respond to both. This plurality is the fact of our nature and not worth 
fretting about. --Gore Vidal, "Sex Is Politics" (1979)

Jan & Durl Kruse wrote:
> *Then they came for the gays..............* We are standing with our GBLT
> friends, neighbors and family......... It makes us weep at the ignorance,
> hatred and fear that we see written below. We stand with the recruitment and
> promotion of sanity. We doubt a law banning the immorality of intolerance
> would induce the morality of loving ones neighbor. But we have hope that
> someday those we care about will be able to live without neighbors calling
> them immoral and list them along with the rapist and child molesters and 
> destroyers of society. We thank and appreciate any and all who live as they
> choose, advertise it widely (even in the face of hate). We stand with those
> pervasive GBLT friends, neighbors and family. You will always have a safe
> haven within our home. We will stand with you against the evil of hatred,
> intolerance, fear and sickness that sadly is so very close at hand! DURL &
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *"E. Wayne Johnson" <ewj at pigs.ag> Some people in our society have even
> suggested capital punishment. I did not. I do want to see a halt to the
> recruitment and promotion of homosexuality. While I think that law is rather
> incapable of inducing morality, I don't think immorality should be
> celebrated.
> We don't celebrate political corruption or theft or warmongering as 
> acceptable behaviours. Homosexuality is likewise immoral and it is in the
> same class of pathologic sexual behaviour as adultery, rape, and child
> molestation. Some aberrent sexual behaviours include a component of violence
> and some do not. It does contribute to the destructuring of the society.
> Dr. King whom we celebrated last week, also taught that Reality hinges on
> Moral Foundations. I don't think that we can achieve full potential as a
> society if we embrace and promote immoral behaviours. There is a general
> negative effect on the non-participants.
> I would not agree that the practice of a homosexual lifestyle is a private
> matter because it is becoming pervasive and widely advertised as a reasonable
>  alternative option to a heterosexual lifestyle.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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