[Peace-discuss] Framing the question(ers)

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Fri Jul 24 20:04:51 CDT 2009

Best example of the Limits of Allowable Debate (LAD) I've seen in some time:

"The Economist is hosting a debate on the proposition:  'This house believes that 
Obama’s America is now an honest broker between Israel and the Arabs.'  The 
online debate includes comments and voting by the readers. Daniel Levy of J-
Street and the New America Foundation is taking the affirmative, and David Frum 
of the America Enterprise Institute is taking the negative. "


Phrased that way, it puts me on Frum's side...! But he's "arguing the position that 
Obama is an anti-zionist Arab/Iran/Muslim-lover." 

There is a tertium quid...  --CGE

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