[Peace-discuss] Reps can end war, if some Dems help: will they?

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Mon Jun 15 00:43:03 CDT 2009

-------- Original Message --------

Message from Democrats.com <http://democrats.com>:

**5 House Progressives Can End the Wars**

Just 39 House Progressives could end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan 
(Af/Pak) by opposing the Pentagon's demand for another $95 billion. That's 
because all 178 Republicans will vote no over $5 billion for the IMF.

Nearly 15,000 of you emailed your Representatives, and 34 House Progressives 
responded to you by opposing the $95 billion. So now *we need just 5 more*.  15 
are leaning no, and 20 are undecided. 

*Tell Congress: Healthcare Not Warfare 

Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake is doing heroic work to lobby progressive Democrats. 
Watch her video message to activists: 

We're using a cool phoning tool that lets you call all the swing House Democrats 
for free: <http://www.causecaller.com/causes.php?c=Say_No_to_$95B_War_Supplemental>
We have a quick script, and you can call any time of day or night.

If you use Twitter, you can "retweet" five quick messages to key members of 
Congress: <http://www.democrats.com/tweet-against-war-funds>

You can follow my tweets here: <http://twitter.com/bobfertik>
And you can follow our action-only tweets here: <http://twitter.com/democratscom>

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik

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