[Peace-discuss] Anti-racism

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 15:08:43 CST 2009

> so easily to set aside the victories against racism of the US civil rights movement

[The long-lasting victories of the US civil rights movement are indeed
undeniable. While not completely removing racism, the civil rights
movement did accomplish many things that seemed impossible.

By way of the civil rights victories here, I too would like to get
back to the original intent of the thread, namely Israel. -karen

The non-violent methods were what diverted the US's path most
effectively. Hatred and dehumanizing is much harder to accomplish when
the other side chooses non-violence. It opened up the movement so that
whites could join.

South Africa eventually got rid of the Apartheid, but not because of
all the violence and killing committed by both sides.

There are Israelis that recognize the inhumanity of their government.

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