[Peace-discuss] Wm. Greider and …populism?

Morton K. Brussel brussel at illinois.edu
Mon Mar 23 12:13:30 CDT 2009

In an powerful article that discusses what the public is feeling and  
fulminating about,


There is this remark by a reader:

The author  [Greider] needs a lesson in Authoritarianism 101.

Greider writes: "Whatever the intentions, this "reform" would  
effectively legitimize the existence of a corporate state. This  
concentrated power would be neither socialism nor capitalism, but a  
grotesque hybrid that combines the worst qualities of both systems."

The definition of such a form of government, Mr. Greider, is called  
"fascism." I will quote the dictionary definition here for you:
fas-cism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete  
power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all  
industry, commerce, etc.

Mussolini said that the proper definition of fascism should be  
"corporatism, since it is a merging of government and corporations."

We already have an executive branch with near-dictator-like powers,  
thanks to the Shrub. Obama has not rescinded even 1% of all the  
signing statements, Constitution-shredding legislation such as the  
Patriot Act, or executive orders that Shrub created giving the  
executive "unitary" almost-unlimited powers. Now all that is missing  
is the merging of the corporations with government - which seems to be  
in the works as we speak, as his article states.

Get yer terms right, bub. "Hybrid" indeed. Call it what it really is.  
Say it with me: FASCISM.

Knew you could do it.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag,  
carrying a cross."
Sinclair Lewis, "It Cant Happen Here", 1935

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