[Peace-discuss] Fw: CCHCC Annual Dinner & Adbook -- AWARE

Sat Mar 28 14:46:58 CDT 2009

Well Ron, I guess I am a little surprised at your response.  Here, you are
telling us what you would do in terms of presenting and argument and what
your preference would be with respect to methods of population control,
which in itself is fine; but that is not what you were asking for in your
question which was: " Are there any good philosophical arguments for the
view that abortion is NOT wrong?"  Again I remind you that I was
constructing an philosophical argument justifying abortion and abortion
rights which could also be taken as a philosophical argument  as to why
abortion and abortion rights are not wrong, which your question asked for
and that I was doing it to point the lack of any established common criteria
for determining if this argument or any argument was a good, bad, or
otherwise philosophical argument. Your initial question did not ask for us
to state a specific or generalized argument that we held or in the case of
my offering if abortion was my preference for population control.

What I have trouble understanding when it comes to your position (i.e.," I
would strenuously oppose any government-mandated policy of compulsory
abortion or anti-abortion.  I just want the Authorities of Church & State to
butt out 
of the whole question.) is if they both butt out and do not attempt to
mandate any policies (mandatory or preferred) concerning abortion rights,
will they not be unofficially supporting one or the other; and if they could
remain entirely neutral, would that not leave it to all kinds of informal
peer sanctions of one group versus the other somewhat akin to the informal
racial, religious, and ethnic discrimination that has been practiced all
over the world whenever authorities refuse to take a stand with respect to
issues involving rights, responsibilities, and fairness when they are in
conflict within a society?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Szoke [mailto:r-szoke at illinois.edu] 
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:50 PM
To: LAURIE SOLOMON; 'John Fettig'; peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Cc: 'Morton K. Brussel'
Subject: RE: [Peace-discuss] Fw: CCHCC Annual Dinner & Adbook -- AWARE

I would NEVER mount a generalized argument in support or encouragement of 
abortion,  but might very well, in some concrete cases, advise a woman with
problem pregnancy to consider it  -- while going on to point out that I
support her as best I could in whatever she ultimately  decides.  

My own preference for population control is certainly contraception, not
I would strenuously oppose any government-mandated policy of compulsory 
abortion or anti-abortion.  I just want the Authorities of Church & State to
butt out 
of the whole question.  

-- Ron

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