[Peace-discuss] "Believe nothing until it's officially denied"

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sun Mar 29 10:52:32 CDT 2009

[That maxim is ascribed to a number of experienced journalists, from the late I. 
F. Stone to Alex Cockburn's father, Claud.  Like the psychoanalyst, the observer 
of governments should always ask why something is denied.  --CGE]

	Obama Rules Out US Troops In Pakistan
WASHINGTON (AP) — As he carries out a retooled strategy in Afghanistan, 
President Barack Obama says he will consult with Pakistan's leaders before 
pursuing terrorist hideouts in that country.

Obama said U.S. ally Pakistan needs to be more accountable, but ruled out 
deploying U.S. troops there. "Our plan does not change the recognition of 
Pakistan as a sovereign government," the president told CBS' Face the Nation in 
an interview broadcast Sunday.

The president also bemoaned the tenuous security situation in Afghanistan, 
saying, "Unless we get a handle on it now, we're gonna be in trouble." He made 
clear that his new strategy for the long war is "not going to be an open-ended 
commitment of infinite resources" from the United States.

In a wide-ranging interview, Obama sought to counter the notion that Afghanistan 
has become his war. He emphasized that it started on George W. Bush's watch.

"I think it's America's war. And it's the same war that we initiated after 9/11 
as a consequence of those attacks," Obama said. "The focus over the last seven 
years, I think, has been lost."

Obama taped the interview Friday, the same day he launched the fresh effort to 
defeat al-Qaeda terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, widening a war that 
began after terrorists struck the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. He set new benchmarks 
and ordered 4,000 more troops to the war zone as well as hundreds of civilians 
and increased aid. The plan does not include an exit timeline.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in an interview on Fox News Sunday, said the 
short-term objectives for U.S. forces in Afghanistan have narrowed under Obama's 
new strategy even as a flourishing democracy in Afghanistan remains a long-term 

"I think what we need to focus on and focus our efforts is making headway and 
reversing the Taliban's momentum and strengthening the Afghan army and police, 
and really going after al-Qaeda, as the president said," Gates said.

al-Qaeda terrorists are still a serious threat and retain the ability to plan 
attacks against the United States even though they have been inhibited over the 
past several years, Gates said.

Both Pakistan and Afghanistan have praised the new U.S. strategy for dealing 
with growing violence in the region.

But Obama has irked Pakistan since taking office in January by retaining a 
powerful but controversial weapon left over from the Bush administration's fight 
against terrorism: unmanned Predator drone missile strikes on Pakistan along its 
border with Afghanistan.

Pakistan has urged Obama to halt the strikes. But Gates has signaled to Congress 
that the U.S. would continue to go after al-Qaeda inside Pakistan, and senior 
Obama administration officials have called the strikes effective.

Without directly referring to the strikes, Obama said: "If we have a high-value 
target within our sights, after consulting with Pakistan, we're going after 
them. But our main thrust has to be to help Pakistan defeat these extremists."

Asked if he meant he would put U.S. troops on the ground in Pakistan, Obama 
said: "No." He noted that Pakistan is a sovereign nation and said: "We need to 
work with them and through them to deal with al-Qaeda. But we have to hold them 
much more accountable."

"What we wanna do is say to the Pakistani people: You are our friends, you are 
our allies. We are going to give you the tools to defeat al-Qaeda and to root 
out these safe havens. But we also expect some accountability. And we expect 
that you understand the severity and the nature of the threat," Obama added.

His strategy is built on an ambitious goal of boosting the Afghan army from 
80,000 to 134,000 troops by 2011 — and greatly increasing training by U.S. 
troops accompanying them — so the Afghan military can defeat Taliban insurgents 
and take control of the war.

In the interview, Obama said he won't assume that more troops will result in an 
improved situation. "There may be a point of diminishing returns in terms of 
troop levels. We've gotta also make sure that our civilian efforts, our 
diplomatic efforts and our development efforts, are just as robustly encouraged."

Obama agreed that things are worse than ever in Afghanistan, and then sought to 
clarify his point.

"They're not worse than they were when the Taliban was in charge and al-Qaeda 
was operating with impunity," Obama said. But, he added, "We have seen a 
deterioration over the last several years."

"This is gonna be hard," Obama said. "I'm under no illusions. If it was easy, it 
would have already been completed." He also stressed the need to be flexible. 
"We will continue to monitor and adjust our strategies to make sure that we're 
not just going down blind alleys."

Richard Holbrooke, U.S. envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, dismissed comparing 
the war in Afghanistan to U.S. involvement in Vietnam more than a generation ago.

"The Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese never posed any direct threat to the 
United States and its homeland," Holbrooke, a Vietnam veteran, said on "State of 
the Union" on CNN.

"The people we are fighting in Afghanistan, and the people they are sheltering 
in western Pakistan, pose a direct threat. Those are the men of 9/11, the people 
who killed Benazir Bhutto," Holbrooke said, referring to the slain former 
Pakistan prime minister. "And you can be sure that, as we sit here today, they 
are planning further attacks on the United States and our allies."

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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