[Peace-discuss] What about AWARE?

Morton K. Brussel brussel at illinois.edu
Wed Oct 7 22:03:59 CDT 2009

On this anniversary of the attack on Afghanistan, I feel despair and  
frustration. Although there have been anti-war/occupation events  
sprinkled around the country, if not elsewhere, in this community  
there is little activity.

For a considerable time, AWARE was a community focus of anti-war  
efforts, but AWARE has by now essentially disappeared as a vital  
activist organization: Few attend its meetings, too few to constitute  
an effective activist organization. At best, and usefully, there is a  
virtual—email based—AWARE, but that is not an effective organizational  
tool. A few individuals continue to act, to inform about activities in  
the community and elsewhere, and to write about and analyze current  
events. But it has been difficult to ignite what was formerly a large  
community contingent repelled by our government's bellicosity. Film  
presentations and occasional invited guest speakers have been  
educational, but even these events usually have not been well  
attended, and then only by those already rather committed to our  
points of view . Even the AWARE table at the Farmers Market and the  
One Main demonstrations have had trouble sustaining themselves.

So what can be done?  Do we give up on AWARE?
Can there be a revival of a significant visible anti-war effort in U-C?
How might it be organized?

Or do we just plod on?

What do others think?

It is a sad story, and perhaps not unique to us.

My thoughts. --mkb

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