[Discuss] [Peace-discuss] Police policy on lethal force

John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 15:19:33 CDT 2009


I read your missive and Nancy Wadsworth's HuffPo article, and I don't know
how to process it.

Back in the day, Malcolm X advised White people to go back into their own
communities and convince their White counterparts not to be racist.  I tried
it.  Never in life have I ever succeeded in disabusing a racist White person
of a single iota of his/her racism.  Racism is not logical; it's emotional,
deeply ingrained, and systemic.

When I dared to fall in love with a Black woman back in 1987 - a lovely,
intelligent, educated, caring Black woman whom Melodye knows - my mother
promptly told me that she had no interest in even making her acquaintance.
For two years I tried in vain to convince my mother - a "Christian" woman
who had Black friends, supposedly, and taught Black students who adored her
- that her racial bias was irrational and counterproductive.  She invoked
the Bible, she invoked her reputation in the community, she invoked
everything she could think of to dissuade me.  When she began to threaten me
with disinheritance if I persisted in my "folly", I marched out of her house
and out of her life.  She lived for 20 more years, never relinquishing her
choice of a dead ideology over the love of her only living child.  And yes,
she did disinherit me.

Having lived through that experience, I can say with certainty that racism
is one of the most evil, virulent, pernicious, toxic poisons known to man.
It has very real consequences in the real world.  And ultimately, people
CHOOSE it.  I simply can't excuse it.  I'm happy to engage in dialogue with
anyone, but I've never seen an instance where a racist White person was made
less racist through anything that I said.

Black people can have racial prejudices and stereotypes, too, of course.
But I've found that there are significant and profound differences.  First
of all, Black people have valid historical reasons for any racial prejudices
that they might harbor.  And second, I have found them to be open-minded
enough to give White people, who do NOT deserve it, the benefit of the
doubt.  If a White person proves that he or she can be trusted, Black people
will open their homes and hearts.  Not so with the White people I've known.

Arrgh, words fail me.

John Wason

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Mikhail Lyubansky <lyubanskym at gmail.com>wrote:

Dear Melodye,
> I am both sad and angry at the comments you describe and regret that you
> elicited that kind of response.  I've never listened to this particular
> show, but anyone who has followed the national discourse around race is all
> too familiar with the "othering" and "condescension" that you describe.  It
> is clear to those of us with some consciousness about the many structural
> and interpersonal ways that nonwhites have historically been and continue to
> be marginalized that white conservatives just don't "get it".  And indeed
> they don't.
> But I'd like to suggest that many self-identified liberals and progressives
> don't "get" white conservatives either.  There's a tendency on the part of
> progressives to assume an attitude of moral superiority when talking to or
> about white conservatives, as well as to assume that their intentions/goals
> are to, if not explicitly oppress, at the very least to maintain the system
> of oppression that currently exists.  No doubt this is sometimes the case.
> But the problem with stereotypes is not that they are not true, but that
> they are incomplete.  There are many white conservatives that can and do
> support the equity and justice goals that progressives tend to rally
> around.  The difference is not over the goals or outcomes but the strategies
> that are supposed to produce those outcomes.
> My point is, if we are to move toward the kind of community we want -- a
> community characterized by racial equity and solidarity -- then we have to
> also be willing to listen and understand the "other" in the ways that they
> want to be understood.  As strange as it might seem, I think we have to find
> ways to ally with the oppressive segments of our community so that we can
> begin to understand each other's needs and come to the realization that they
> are not in opposition with each other.
> I am not advocating for compromise -- of any sort.  I am not advocating for
> patience.  This is urgent. There is no time for patience. And the needs are
> too important to compromise.  I'm just suggesting that demonizing the other
> side is not likely to get what we want.
> This HuffPo writer has some additional thoughts on this that I think are
> worth considering:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nancy-wadsworth/down-with-demonology-the_b_318660.html
> The writer above is a white woman...and I am (if you don't already know) a
> white man.  As such, I recognize that we speak from a privileged position.
> But our positions (as white progressives whose writing focuses on racial
> issues), also give us a perspective that may have some value.  I offer it
> here in that spirit and look forward to hearing how it is perceived.
> Mikhail
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Melodye Rosales <
> melodye at nitrogendesign.com> wrote:
>> Amazing---if anyone caught Penny For Your Thoughts today---all the callers
>> for the last week have spoken as if they know what happened and how bad the
>> kids are because they lack parenting---some spoke of the black community as
>> a whole in that regard. But when I call in today and said that, "... I find
>> it interesting that when Black Folk speak of injustice we are said to be
>> using the race card, but when the callers on your (Turpins) show criticize
>> our community with misnomers and lack of information, they are
>> justified----I think that the community needs Diversity Training."
>> The guy who followed called me "Arrogant".  For those of us (most on this
>> list) who understand what that word means when referring to a Black person,
>> coming from a Conservative White person, it is coded language that needs no
>> Decoder.  Turpin (who seems frustrated I have called daily to correct the
>> mis-statements that he allows to fester) made sure when the caller didn't
>> catch my name, to let him know---more over, let his audience know that I am
>> someone to watch.
>> My concern is that a large majority in the Conservative Community are
>> purposely trying to allow mis-statements to take flight.  It is almost as if
>> they want to sway those who may visit the matter with open eyes, to feel
>> that if they align their concerns with ours, then they somehow aren't caring
>> about the "Good White Community".  The tragedy is that while we are simply
>> trying to push for open government and transparency, while trying to
>> highlight a flawed local government and provide more equitable solutions to
>> bring about a more balanced and inclusive community----these Conservatives
>> are using their energies to push us back into the place they feel we
>> belong------without a voice.  "After all", the Conservatives cry out, "why
>> do them-folk need a voice?  We've always told them what to do, what not to
>> do, where to go, when to come back and how to behave. 'Cause they know we
>> ain't toleratin' no back talk, no complaints, no questions.  So ya see,
>> that's why them-folk don't need no voice. It's them Arrogant Ns who are
>> causing the trouble. They be confusing them-folk.  They be tellin' them-folk
>> they done always had a voice and they just gotta begin using it. Yep, it's
>> them Arrogant Ns who are gonna get them-folk in trouble, not us."
>> What a sad 1950s moment this community is experiencing...
>> -M
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