[Peace-discuss] Using peace-action for AWARE etc. action-related discussions?

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Sun Sep 6 11:12:08 CDT 2009

Hey all,

Though I think that peace-action at anti-war.net used to have
a different purpose, it's been dormant for quite a while.

With the heavy traffic and low signal-to-noise ratio on
peace-discuss, it's tempting to set up a more focused mailing list --
I'm proposing that it be focused on discussing actions that 
AWARE and related people might take, and information that might lead to action.

So it'll be busier than the peace list's 400+ members expect,
but with luck will be less busy and probably less divisive
than peace-discuss.  And I hope that setting up a forum
aimed at discussing action may lead us to think more about
what we as activists might undertake.

So I'm opening up the floor.  peace-discuss people, how does this
sound for a charter?

Looking at the existing peace-action list membership, I see quite
a few familiar names on it.  

Is there anyone currently on peace-action who would rather not be,
under some charter like this?  (If so, you can either use the web page 
to unsubscribe yourself, or write back to me...)


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