[Peace-discuss] British unions to boycott Israeli goods, Dershowitz on Goldstone

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 20 10:53:24 CDT 2009

[Interesting fallout from the UN report. - Ricky]

[Here's what British unions did, from a not-exactly-neutral source ...] 


Britain's 6.5-million member labor federation, the Trade Union Congress
(TUC), has adopted a policy calling for a consumer-led boycott and
sanctions campaign against Israel at their annual conference in
Liverpool on Thursday. 

The TUC policy calls on the British Government to
condemn the "Israeli military aggression and the continuing blockade of
Gaza" and end arms sales to Israel, which it said reached a value of
£18.8 million in 2008.
It also calls for a ban on goods originated from the settlements and an end to the European Union's preferential trading terms with Israel. 

[... And here's our old friend, just as looney as ever ...]
Richard Goldstone - the primary author of a one-sided United Nations
attack on Israeli actions during the Gaza war - has now become a
full-fledged member of the international bash-Israel chorus. His name
will forever be linked in infamy with such distorters of history and
truth as Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and Jimmy Carter. The
so-called report commissioned by the notorious United Nations Human
Rights Council and issued under his name is so filled with lies,
distortions and blood libels that it could have been drafted by Hamas
extremists. Wait - in effect, it was! 



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