[Peace-discuss] Counter-recruitment? [laurie.nobilette@gmail.com: Catholic Workers]

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 21 17:07:50 CDT 2009

This is a good question.  I think the UofI student group CAN,
the Campus Anti-War Network <can.uiuc at gmail.com>, has taken some
counter-recruitment actions in the past; I haven't heard whether they're
contemplating anything this year.   AWARE used to, but we haven't 
actually done anything in years.  This is bad news -- recruitment should
be an Achilles heel for the military, and should be a good thing for a
peace group to work on.

----- Forwarded message from Laurie Nobilette <laurie.nobilette at gmail.com> -----

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:06:48 -0500
From: Laurie Nobilette <laurie.nobilette at gmail.com>
Subject: Catholic Workers
To: aware at anti-war.net

This is Laurel from the Catholic Worker House. We here at the Worker were
wondering what you know about the area's anti-recruitment effort. Also, do
you know if there are any Veterans who do any anti-recruitment work?


Laurel and the CW crew

----- End forwarded message -----

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