[Peace-discuss] Fw: Shop at Target?

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 2 13:38:20 CDT 2010

--- On Mon, 8/2/10, Ilyse Hogue, MoveOn.org Political Action <moveon-help at list.moveon.org> wrote:

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Target just gave a huge contribution
to a anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-progressive candidate for governor in Minnesota. Will you send a message to Target
CEO Gregg Steinhafel that you won't shop at Target unless they stop trying to buy elections? Click here:

Sign the petition

Get this: Target, the retail giant, just became one of the very first companies to take advantage of the
Supreme Court's Citizens United decision allowing unlimited corporate cash in elections.1

Target has spent over $150,000 in the Minnesota Governor's race backing state Rep. Tom Emmer, a far-right Republican
who supports Arizona's draconian immigration law, wants to abolish the minimum wage and even gave money to a fringe group
that condoned the execution of gay people. 2

Target must think customers won't care. They're wrong: We do care, and we need to let them know that we want
Target—and all corporations—out of our elections.

Will you send a message to Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel telling him that you're not going to shop at Target
unless they stop trying to buy elections? Click here to add your name to the petition:


Once we get 150,000 signatures, MoveOn members in Minnesota will 
hand deliver the petition to Target headquarters.

The stakes are much higher than one candidate and one company. Other CEOs are in "wait-and-see" mode following
the Citizens United decision, according to a former Federal Trade Commission counsel quoted on NPR.3 If
we don't push back hard, this will just be the tip of the iceberg. Other corporations will learn that they can pour money
into elections to buy the outcome they want—without paying a price with their customers or shareholders.

We all knew Citizens United would benefit candidates who stand up for corporate CEOs instead of everyday
people. But you wouldn't expect a company like Target to jump in and try to buy an election so quickly. After all, Target
made its name by being thought of as the more progressive store in the wake of numerous WalMart scandals.

That's why MoveOn members are following up on actions of groups like Human Rights Campaign and the Alliance for
a Better Minnesota by telling Target that we won't shop there unless they stop trying to buy elections. Please add your
voice now:  


Thanks for all you do.
–Ilyse, Robin, Anna, Mari, and the rest of the team


1. "Target Corp. defends Minn. political donation," Associated Press, July 27, 2010http://www.moveon.org/r?r=89661&id=22228-10635882-sKy.jTx&t=4

2. "GOP-linked punk rock ministry says executing gays is 'moral'," Minnesota Independent, May 25, 2010http://www.moveon.org/r?r=89716&id=22228-10635882-sKy.jTx&t=5

"Emmer Camp On Comment That Waiters Make $100K: 'It's An Extreme Example'," Talking Points Memo, July
13, 2010http://www.moveon.org/r?r=89717&id=22228-10635882-sKy.jTx&t=6

3. "Minn. Ad Puts Target At Center Of Campaign Finance Controversy," NPR, July 27, 2010http://www.moveon.org/r?r=89714&id=22228-10635882-sKy.jTx&t=7


Want to support our work?
                We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no
                corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our
                tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.
                Chip in here.


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