[Peace-discuss] Iraq Veterans Against the War to expose the details of incidents depicted in the leaked field reports by Wikileaks

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 09:40:39 CDT 2010

RE: Iraq Veterans Against the War to expose the details of incidents
depicted in the leaked field reports by Wikileaks.

What stands out to us at IVAW is the regular, seemingly commonplace
occurance of civilian death depicted in the body of Wikileaks

These documents reveal the truth about the bloody battle for
Afghanistan, characterized by lengthy and repeated deployments by our
troops and exposure to human trauma by both soldiers and Afghan people
on a mass scale.  With all the talk of timetables for withdrawal, we
know that the human trauma of these wars has no end in sight.  Yet,
this trauma is too often sanitized by the time it reaches the public

That is why IVAW is partnering with the Institute for Public Accuracy
to expose the details of incidents depicted in the leaked field
reports by Wikileaks.

Help us with this effort by making a donation today.

In a recent interview on Democracy Now, Wikileaks' founder, Julian
Assange put out a call: "We really need the public, other journalists
and especially former soldiers to go through this material and say,
'Look, this connects to that,' or 'I was there. Let me tell you what
really happened. Let me tell you the rest of the detail.' And over the
next few days, we'll be putting up easier- and easier-to-use search
interfaces, the same ones that our journalistic teams use to extract
this data."

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