[Peace-discuss] House Votes Today on Afghan, Pakistan Wars

David Gill davidgill2010 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 10:09:18 CDT 2010

As I indicated, Carl, your recall is indeed poor...but perhaps it's not your 
memory that's at
 fault-- perhaps you simply want to diminish enthusiasm for Gill 2010 with your 
Your blithe dismissal of my previous campaigns was off by a sizable and 
important amount... 

I received 42.5% last time, i.e., was defeated 4-3.  You needn't depend on your 
fuzzy memory,
 though-- facts such as these are readily accessible.
Yes, Carl, you can interpret my remark as the equivalent of Tim's pledge to vote 
against funding
 for war in the Middle East (with the withdrawal proviso)? 
I disagree with your assertion that "that is quite a change for you"-- my entire 
life has been
 dedicated to improving and preserving the lives of my fellow men and women.... 
I find your
 pigeon-holing of me as an associate of Bush or Obama to be far from the truth 
and terribly simplistic.
  How interesting, too, that the man who feels that we need not "plumb the 
souls" of candidates, now
 asks me of my "change of mind"??  Suffice it to say that unlike my opponent, 
whose votes have
 resulted in the deaths of millions, I am not engaged in simple political 
opportunism.  And that when
 the next war is supported by 80% of the voters of IL-15, I won't be raising my 
fist and joining in the
 mass insanity, as my opponent has done in the past and will do in the future.
David Gill

From: C. G. Estabrook <galliher at illinois.edu>
To: David Gill <davidgill2010 at yahoo.com>
Cc: Stuart Levy <slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu>; Brussel Morton K. 
<mkbrussel at comcast.net>; david at gill2010.com; Peace-discuss List 
<peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
Sent: Wed, July 28, 2010 3:58:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] House Votes Today on Afghan, Pakistan Wars

Come on, David: Obama dangled that "withdraw the vast majority of our troops" 
(just as soon as the job is done) before the voters in the last election.

Your vote in your previous outings has been between 30-40% each time, as I 
recall.  Something near to 33.3% of the vote means that you got one vote for 
every two that went elsewhere.  But maybe it was closer to 3-2.  Good for you.

I'm interested to read your admission that you've "come to the conclusion that 
even leaving a few thousand troops in Afghanistan/Pakistan is unwise" - that is 
quite a change for you - but I'd like to hear more about your change of mind. 
Have you decided that killing people in the Mideast is criminal, or just that 
it's not working very well (in the light of the Wikileaks documents)?

And it's good to hear that you would "support no AfPak military funding other 
than that necessary to bring all of our troops home now."  But what about Iraq? 
Somalia? Yemen?  Can we interpret your remark as the equivalent of Tim's pledge 
to vote against funding for war in the Middle East (with the withdrawal 
proviso)?  He is as you know voting that way.

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