[Peace-discuss] Cuba had the right to use Oswald to assassinate JFK

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Wed Mar 3 13:32:58 CST 2010

"Why Israel at war has the right to assassinate its enemies" was the headline 
today in what is unfortunately the best newspaper in English, the Financial Times.

The article - by a  terrible right-winger who purports to be a historian, Andrew 
Roberts - asserts

"All that the Dubai operation will do is remind the world that the security 
services of states at war – and Israel’s struggle with Hamas, Fatah and 
Hizbollah certainly constitutes that – occasionally employ targeted 
assassination as one of the weapons in their armoury, and that this in no way 
weakens their legitimacy ... Is that attitude so very different from the 
pre-emptive targeted assassination of Taliban leaders that Nato carries out by 
flying drones in Afghanistan and Pakistan today?"

He's right that murder is murder whether done by the Americans or Israelis, but 
he's justifying both.  If he's right, we must also say

"All that the Dallas operation of 22 November 1963 will do is remind the world 
that the security services of states at war – and Cuba’s struggle with the CIA, 
gusano terrorists, and armed Cuban exiles certainly constitutes that – 
occasionally employ targeted assassination as one of the weapons in their 
armoury, and that this in no way weakens their legitimacy."

The principle would remain the same even if Cuba didn't sponsor Lee Harvey 
Oswald and the Mossad didn't sponsor the Dubai murder.


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