[Peace-discuss] Fw: VICTORY!

Laurie Solomon ls1000 at live.com
Tue Mar 30 12:19:10 CDT 2010

I thought this might be of some interest to some, so I am passing it along.

From: Stephanie Taylor, BoldProgressives.org 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:53 AM
To: Laurie Solomon 
Subject: VICTORY!



      The PCCC's first endorsed House candidate defeated a Blue Dog!

      VIDEO: See the Blue Dog say a progressive can't win and Krystal Ball explain why we can. (Then, write Krystal a congratulations note.)


VICTORY! Yesterday in Virginia's first congressional district, Blue Dog Democrat Scott Robinson conceded the primary to progressive champ Krystal Ball.

We've been working with Krystal for the past month, recently placed a talented field director on the ground, and officially endorsed Krystal last week -- with PCCC members giving a $30,000 boost to her campaign.

In a caucus primary that required solid grassroots organizing, Krystal ran a people-powered campaign -- the Blue Dog did not. Krystal's progressive message inspired voters -- the Blue Dog did not.

There's an amazing video from a Democratic forum where the Blue Dog says a progressive can't win, and Krystal eloquently says why we can.

Click here to see the video. Then, write Krystal Ball a congratulations note!

We'll deliver your note to her. Working together in 2010, PCCC members and our endorsed candidates will prove that a progressive message is the path to victory.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Stephanie Taylor, PCCC co-founder

P.S. Krystal faces a March 31 FEC fundraising deadline that people look at as a sign of a candidate's momentum. You can chip in $4 to her campaign against right-wing Republican Rep. Rob Wittman here.

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Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. We've received over 55,650 small-dollar donations. Can you help us hit 60,000?

Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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