[Peace-discuss] Can the U.S. Negotiate Peace in Afghanistan?

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 13:20:15 CDT 2010

A major contribution of the "inside experts" Afghanistan Study Group
report, released last week to spur Washington debate towards
de-escalating the war at the next fork in the road, is that its very
first recommendation is this:

1. Emphasize power-sharing and political inclusion.
The U.S. should fast-track a peace process designed to decentralize
power within Afghanistan and encourage a power-sharing balance among
the principal parties.

Some critics have complained that this is not a new idea, and at the
level of rhetoric, at least, is already Administration policy. But
this misses the point. The role of the ASG is not to break new
intellectual ground. The role of the ASG is to create political space
for the implementation of the obvious.


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

Urge Congress to Support a Timetable for Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan

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