[Peace-discuss] FBI raids: press conference in Chicago

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Sat Sep 25 12:14:20 CDT 2010

(from the organizers of the Oct 16th Chicago rally)
In addition to our 11 AM general meeting (8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe Street, 5th floor, wheelchair accessible), there will be a solidarity press conference at 3 PM for the people raided by the FBI yesterday morning.  Below is the info on that -- please attend if you can.

Targets of FBI Raids to join supporters to speak out against federal assault on antiwar, solidarity activities

Subpoenas, searches have a chilling impact on core rights and civil liberties, say activists.

CHICAGO -- Social justice and anti-war activists will gather at 3pm at the West Town Law Community Office, 2502 W. Division St. to speak out against a series of FBI raids that took place on Friday, September 24 in Chicago and around the US.

The FBI handed subpoenas to testify before a federal grand jury to about a dozen activists in Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan on Friday, searching the homes of most of these activists. They also attempted to intimidate activists in California and North Carolina. Targeted Chicago activists include Hatem Abudayeh, Joe Isobaker and Stephanie Weiner, with the FBI naming interest in their work around Palestine, Colombia and peace activities.

“This is really about trying to intimidate the anti-war movement, and we won't be silenced,” said anti-war activist Stephanie Weiner, one of the victims of the raids. "This suppression of democratic rights is aimed towards those who dedicate their time and energy to supporting the struggles of the Palestinian and Colombian peoples against US funded occupation and war. This is a US government attempt to silence those who stand in solidarity against oppression in the Middle East and Latin America."

Speakers at Saturday's press conference will include Melinda Power, attorney and member of the National Lawyers Guild; Chapin Gray, activist with Students for a Democratic Society-Chicago; Maureen Murphy of the Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago; Rev. C.J. Hawking of Arise Chicago; and Stephanie Weiner and Joe Isobaker, who were among the Chicago targets of the raid and are long-time anti-war activists in the city. They will be joined by peace and solidarity activists from across the metro area.

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