[Peace-discuss] "National interest"

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 25 13:35:41 CDT 2010


"In the case of the segment of the trans-national ruling class that comprises 
The Lobby, we are dealing frequently with high-technology armament firms. They 
are happy to wring money out of Israeli and American taxpayers and have 
lower-class soldiers die in arms-intensive wars so long as it keeps the money 
flowing in. They don’t care about Americans threatened by terrorism any more 
than they care about Palestinians hemmed in by a capital-intensive apartheid 
wall. What they care about are profits, and they’re happy to use Zionism to bind 
Jewish voters and Jewish electoral influence to support their specific interests 
and industrial concerns. They deploy tribalism for their class interests, and 
they should be exposed and forced to desist."

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