[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Fwd: FBI Raids Target Anti-War Activists; Solidarity Protests Planned / the article

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 16:06:14 CDT 2010

1) The article is weird. It says that the Democratic National
Convention 2008 was in St. Paul MN. That was the RNC. The DNC was in
Denver, Colorado. If they did not get this right, what else did they
not check?

2) How are they getting search warrants if they don't have any
evidence? > "These were search warrants only," Warfield said. "We're
not anticipating any arrests at this time. They're seeking evidence
relating to activities concerning the material support of terrorism."

3) I'll just mention that the trial for the RNC 8 is scheduled to
begin October 25, 2010. 2 years after the RNC in St. Paul, some
charges have been dropped. During the RNC demonstrations, about 800
people were arrested and charged under Minnesota terrorism law with
"Conspiracy to riot in furtherance of terrorism"; Amy Goodman and 2
Democracy Now! producers were also arrested. The RNC 8, aka the RNC
Welcoming Committee, were arrested based on informants claiming that
the 8 had planned to kidnap delegates of the RNC. They were arrested
without physical evidence.  3  of the 8 people had felony charges
dismissed as recently as September 16, 2010. Now it is down to 4.

> "Both Sundin and Kelly were organizers of a mass march on the
first day of the Democratic National Convention in St. Paul
two years ago, and recently appeared at a news conference to
announce plans for another protest if Minneapolis is
selected to hold the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

> Police estimated the peaceful march drew 10,000 protesters;
organizers put the figure at 30,000. Other protests were
marked by destructive acts by anarchists. More than 800
people were arrested during the four days of the convention,
including Sundin and Kelly."

> Social justice and anti-war activists will gather
> at 3pm on Saturday, September 25 at the West Town Law
> Community Office, 2502 W. Division St. to speak out against
> a series of FBI raids that took place on Friday, September
> 24 in Chicago and around the US.
> Please spread the word about this, and if you can, come to
> the press conference and lend your support. These raids are
> clearly part of a much larger campaign to shut down
> solidarity work for Palestine and Colombia and more broadly
> to derail the larger U.S. movement for peace and justice.

> The FBI handed subpoenas to testify before a federal grand
> jury to about a dozen activists in Illinois, Minnesota and
> Michigan on Friday, searching the homes of most of these
> activists. They also attempted to intimidate activists in
> California and North Carolina. Targeted Chicago activists
> include Hatem Abudayeh, Joe Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner,
> with the FBI naming interest in their work around Palestine,
> Colombia and peace activities.
> "This is really about trying to intimidate the anti-war
> movement, and we won't be silenced," said anti-war activist
> Stephanie Weiner, one of the victims of the raids. "This
> suppression of democratic rights is aimed towards those who
> dedicate their time and energy to supporting the struggles
> of the Palestinian and Colombian peoples against US funded
> occupation and war. This is a US government attempt to
> silence those who stand in solidarity against oppression in
> the Middle East and Latin America."
> Speakers at Saturday's press conference will include Melinda
> Power, attorney and member of the National Lawyers Guild;
> Chapin Gray, activist with Students for a Democratic
> Society-Chicago; Maureen Murphy of the Palestine Solidarity
> Group-Chicago; Rev. C.J. Hawking of Arise Chicago; and
> Stephanie Weiner and Joe Iosbaker, who were among the
> Chicago targets of the raid and are long-time anti-war
> activists in the city. They will be joined by peace and
> solidarity activists from across the metro area.
> _____________

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