[Peace-discuss] Nate Silver: Paul Moves Into Lead in Iowa Forecast (driven by Dems and independents)

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Mon Dec 19 19:22:49 CST 2011


Note that in the latest Public Policy Polling survey, which shows Paul ahead

Paul takes lead as Gingrich collapses in Iowa

there is significant evidence of Dem/anti-war action:

"Paul's base of support continues to rely on some unusual groups for a
Republican contest.  Among voters under 45 he's at 33% to 16% for
Romney and 11% for Gingrich. Paul is also cleaning up 35-14 with the
24% of voters who identify as either Democrats or independents. Romney
is actually ahead 22-19 with GOP voters."

see also the cross tabs: more of Ron Paul's supporters in the poll
voted in the Democratic caucus in 2008 than voted in the Republican
caucus, even though Ron Paul was a candidate in the Republican caucus in 2008.

Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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