[Peace-discuss] Gates: Congress can talk if it wants, but the war will go on

"E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" ewj at pigs.ag
Fri Jun 3 23:03:36 CDT 2011

“All government is fundamentally and diametrically opposed to the 
interests of the people."
- modern Chinese proverb.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that "Over half (53%) of Americans now 
believe the federal government is more of a threat to individual rights 
than a protector."

Rasmussen also reported:

    Most voters nationwide continue to feel disconnected from their
    government and overwhelmingly believe that Congress puts party
    politics ahead of its constituents' concerns.

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters
    shows that only 23% believe the federal government today has the
    consent of the governed. Sixty percent (60%) do not think this is
    the case, while another 17% are undecided.

The Kucinich amendment and the anti-war movement represent a serious 
threat to the Ruling Class.

The Ruling Class has the guns and the media and the hearts and minds of 
the incorrigibly partisan.
They will stop at nothing to stay in power.

It really is some question as to whether or not the opponents of the 
Ruling Class can
keep their powder dry enough to make a difference.

06/04/11 9:40, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> Gates Slams Kucinich Over ‘Dangerous’ Call to End Libya War
> Says 'Unilateral' Move to End War Would Hurt the Troops
> by Jason Ditz, June 02, 2011
> In a statement issued today by the Pentagon, Secretary of Defense 
> Robert Gates blasted Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D – OH) over his bill which 
> would order President Obama to end the illegal war in Libya.
> Gates argued that since the war is now NATO-led and the US is a part 
> of NATO they are obliged to continue fighting the war regardless of 
> Congressional opposition, adding that a move to “unilaterally abandon” 
> the war would have “dangerous long term consequences.”
> Kucinich’s bill points out that President Obama failed to get 
> Congressional approval within 60 days of starting the war and demands 
> a quick end to America’s involvement. The bill has been indefinitely 
> delayed by House Republican leadership over concerns that it would 
> pass if it came to a vote. Kucinich can still force a vote as soon as 
> next week.
> Gates’ statement cautioned that a Congressional demand to end the war 
> would “send an unhelpful message of disunity” to the troops involved 
> in fighting it. The statement also said it was important for Congress 
> to have a “legitimate policy debate without needlessly undermining our 
> military operations.”
> On 6/3/11 8:26 PM, "E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森" wrote:
>> Very nice blog post, Bob!
>> Thanks!
>> On 06/04/11 4:05, Robert Naiman wrote:
>>> recapping the House debate and votes today
>>> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/03/981820/-At-Long-Last,-House-Debates-and-Votes-on-Libya-War-Powers- 

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