[Peace-discuss] Frau Klinton's Krieg's list: Nicht machts.

E. Wayne Johnson ewj at pigs.ag
Mon May 2 16:46:56 CDT 2011

Innocents and Papermints - cleansing their chronometers, JIT.


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that the U.S. 
message to al-Qaeda remains the same today, but it "might have even 
greater resonance" in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton makes a statement regarding 
the death of Osama bin Laden on Monday.

"You cannot defeat us," Clinton said at the State Department, urging 
al-Qaeda members to renounce the terror organization and back U.S. 
efforts to stop violence against innocents. "The fight continues and we 
will never waver."

Clinton said bin Laden's death was a milestone in the war on terrorism, 
but stressed that the "battle to stop al-Qaeda and its syndicate of 
terror" is not over. Clinton said cooperation with Pakistan helped lead 
the U.S. to the compound where bin Laden was killed and the U.S. would 
continue to boost its counterterrorism cooperation with other nations, 
including Pakistan.

John Brennan, White House adviser on homeland security, said at a press 
briefing Monday that it was inconceivable that bin Laden didn't have 
some kind of support inside Pakistan.

"People are raising questions and understandably so," he said. "A number 
of people have questions on whether there was some kind of support by 
the Pakistani government."

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