[Peace-discuss] campus organizations selling tee-shirts "Do I Look Like An American to You?" / $8

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 11:23:17 CST 2011

tee-shirt: "Do I Look Like An American to You?"

Interfaith in Action, La Colectiva, and Amnesty International have
been working on putting together an amazing T-Shirt Campaign that
highlights intolerance and injustice faced by people because of their
religious or non-religous beliefs, race, heritage, etc etc. We started
this in reaction to a series of religiously intolerant acts that
occurred in California this spring but we realized that this is a much
larger topic. The Do I Look Like an American to You t-shirt is meant
to highlight the diversity of our campus and our world. You can take
part in many ways!!

 1) Buy an $8 t-shirt on the website:
 2) Buy the t-shirt and let us take your picture to add to our photo campaign
 3) Buy the t-shirt and let us tell your personal story on how this is
a cause that directly impacts your life
 4) Combo pack of 2&3
 5) Simply like the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/doilookamerican
 6) Tell a friend
 7) If this isn't a cause you've thought about - take the time to
think about it. Talk about it with your friends. Make yourself aware
of the issues your peers may face based on something you may never
have considered.

We've decided that we will have everyone wear the shirts on WEDNESDAY
NOVEMBER 30th. We're hoping to have a quick group picture to show off
what we've done. Details to come. We encourage any other
campuses/organizations to do the same and share their pictures!

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