[Peace-discuss] road trip to Iowa for Ron Paul?

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Thu Nov 17 09:42:09 CST 2011

Sorry, I retract this about the voter registration deadline. There is
conflicting information on the web. I called the Iowa Republican Party and
they confirmed to me that anyone can vote - you have to register as a
Republican, but you can do it at the caucus on January 3.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Robert Naiman <naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
> wrote:

> I wrote to the second of the addresses that Wayne provided, the youth one.
> In the meantime, I found information indicating that the voter
> registration deadline is December 24. So that is a target: if folks who
> aren't already registered as Republicans don't register by December 24,
> they can't vote on January 3.
> I found that here:
> http://www.bluerepublican.org/welcome-to-blue-republican/iowa/
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Anthony Pomonis <apomonis at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Bob,
>> the Voter Guide idea is brilliant.
>> Also, I would love to donate an evening to phone banking on RP's behalf.
>> Phone banking pizza party??
>> Let's do this.
>> --Tony P.
>> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 4:51 PM, E. Wayne Johnson <ewj at pigs.ag> wrote:
>>> **
>>> Barry Holley writes:
>>> Mike Heath is now RP Coordinator for RP IOWA
>>> Mikeh at ronpaul2012.com
>>> Ani Degroot: ani at ronpaul2012.com 319 541 7821
>>> Midwest Coordinator Ron Paul Youth if he wants to work with Universities
>>> there in IOWA
>>> On 11/17/2011 6:25 AM, E. Wayne Johnson wrote:
>>>  Bob,
>>> It does look like Ron Paul is in striking distance in Iowa despite a
>>> massive campaign
>>> to black him out in the media.
>>> Tony Pomonis who is on this list is connected with local people who are
>>> in turn connected with
>>> people in Iowa and with the Ron Paul campaign directly.  Maybe Tony will
>>> see this and comment.
>>> You may be interested in doing something independently.
>>> Many will be doing working independently, but perhaps it may be useful
>>> to coordinate
>>> with others to avoid reduplication of efforts and minimize turf
>>> conflicts and any confusion or backlash.
>>> Some local people have been participating in phone banking and have
>>> access to voter lists.
>>> I am also copying Barry Holley and Marty Johnson who are involved
>>> locally.
>>> Barry was and still is a big fan of Kucinich.
>>> Maybe they can help you get plugged in some where in Iowa, maybe help
>>> you find a place to stay.
>>> I am pretty sure that Steve Bierfeldt is the Iowa Campaign director for
>>> Ron Paul.  He is
>>> a really good guy.  Barry or Marty may have his contact info.
>>> I like your simple message:
>>> *if you want to end the war in
>>> Afghanistan, if you don't want war with Iran, if you want to cut the
>>> military budget, vote for Ron Paul in the Republican caucus.*
>>> We may not agree with Ron Paul on every issue and certainly may not agree
>>> with all of Ron Paul's supporters on every possible issue but when you
>>> boil it down to foreign policy it works for lots of us.
>>> On 11/17/2011 3:41 AM, Robert Naiman wrote:
>>> Thanks, Carl. There's a lot that people can do without any traveling:
>>> basically, time and money.
>>> Time: calling potential voters in Iowa. As I understand it, the Paul
>>> campaign is focusing its outreach on "Republicans." That means there
>>> is a huge group of potential peace voters that the Paul campaign is
>>> not reaching out to. We can get voter lists and call.
>>> For example, we could get the voter list for people who voted in the
>>> 2008 Democratic caucus - a lot of first time people who told pollsters
>>> that ending the Iraq war was their top issue - and we could do this in
>>> particular areas where peace voters tend to congregate: university
>>> towns. Ames, Iowa City, Cedar Falls.
>>> The call script would be simple: if you want to end the war in
>>> Afghanistan, if you don't want war with Iran, if you want to cut the
>>> military budget, vote for Ron Paul in the Republican caucus.
>>> People are more likely to do this if they do it collectively, because
>>> it's more pleasant. So there could be a calling party at someone's
>>> house.
>>> Money: I am working to get some of the national peace groups to
>>> cooperate on an "Iowa voter guide" - where do the candidates stand on
>>> war with Iran, ending the Afghanistan war, cutting the military
>>> budget? Then we would publish this in the Des Moines Register and
>>> other newspapers. Folks could donate money to this project: the more
>>> we raise, the more we can distribute.
>>> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Carl G. Estabrook<galliher at illinois.edu> <galliher at illinois.edu> wrote:
>>> Bob--
>>> I wouldn't be able to participate but I would contribute/fund-raise for the
>>> effort.
>>> The difference between Paul and the other Republican candidates (and Obama)
>>> on war issues couldn't be more obvious. I'm delighted to see that you're
>>> doing something about it.
>>> The two most important things the federal government does is kill people and
>>> transfer wealth from the majority to the rich.
>>> The Obama administration has proved itself even more brutal and efficient at
>>> those tasks than its predecessor. It has expanded wars in the Mideast and
>>> Africa, and has conducted a good-cop/bad-cop charade on government spending
>>> with the Republicans to attack social supports. And the beneficiaries of
>>> Obama's policies are the 1%, whose wealth has increased at an accelerating
>>> rate, even after the financial crisis - as more and more Americans are
>>> coming to recognize.
>>> Ron Paul of course votes consistently against Obama's wars, on ethical and
>>> political grounds. And he commendably voted against Obama's mendacious debt
>>> deal.
>>> Unfortunately, on economic policy Paul is a notorious believer in the debt
>>> and deficit malarkey peddled by both parties. What Paul believes as a matter
>>> of "libertarian" conviction is being used by others - often cynically - to
>>> scare Americans into accepting the elite's austerity program. (Wealth is so
>>> concentrated in America that an emergency tax of 15% on investable assets
>>> over $1 million would make the deficit disappear  - and 99% of American
>>> would not be subject to the tax.)
>>> Nevertheless Paul votes correctly - against both the wars and the debt deal
>>> - and is the only major party candidate to do so.
>>> Best wishes for your efforts,
>>> Carl
>>> On Nov 15, 2011, at 8:21 PM, Robert Naiman wrote:
>>> In December 2003/January 2004 - when I was a graduate student - I
>>> spent the winter break in Ames, Iowa, as a volunteer for Kucinich,
>>> coordinating the campaign in Ames.
>>> I am thinking of doing something similar now - for Ron Paul.
>>> The Iowa Republican caucus is essentially an open primary. You just
>>> have to show up, register as a Republican, and then you can vote.
>>> A new Bloomberg poll shows that the race is a four way statistical
>>> tie: Cain, Paul, Romney, Gingrich.
>>> This means that any mobilization effort could tip the balance.
>>> What if we got a group of people from C-U, picked a target where we
>>> thought we could be useful (the Kucinich campaign sent me to Ames
>>> because it's a campus town), rented an apartment for a month, and
>>> worked on mobilizing peace voters for the caucus on January 3?
>>> --
>>> Robert Naiman
>>> Policy Director
>>> Just Foreign Policywww.justforeignpolicy.orgnaiman at justforeignpolicy.org
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> --
> Robert Naiman
> Policy Director
> Just Foreign Policy
> www.justforeignpolicy.org
> naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
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