[Peace-discuss] Israeli Apartheid Week in C-U, & who's building a wall...

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Tue Apr 17 17:05:06 UTC 2012

Last night I spoke on a panel on campus organized by Students for
Justice in Palestine as part of Israeli
Apartheid Week. My role in the panel was to talk about BDS,
particularly highlighting the campaign against Ahava cosmetics.

After the panel, a few of us went out to the U of I quad, where
students had constructed an "apartheid wall" in front of the English
building. It was a stunning sight, and I am hoping that someone will
get pictures today during the daylight.

I asked if people were doing that on other campuses - building an
"apartheid wall" - and the students said, something like ten of them.
That made me think; wouldn't it be cool to have pictures from all the
apartheid walls at all the different campuses? That would make quite a
slide show.

So, I asked around various folks and here is some of what I received back:

SIU Edwardsville put up an Apartheid Wall last month.  Photos are at

Here's a link to the Wall at the University of New Mexico.

Here is the U of Arizona wall from last year:

Here is a selection of apartheid week actions from around the country:


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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