[Peace-discuss] Gracias, Ecuador!! - PS

Jenifer Cartwright jencart13 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 16 20:27:24 UTC 2012

Hey, all y'all know that Correa is a UIUC alum, right? -- MS and PhD in econ. No, I don't chant U-S-A, but -- since I like his politics and social conscience, etc, I'm pleased about his assoc'n w/ CU and the U ;-)      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Correa   More to the point, Correa will have cleared this w/ leaders of other Latin American countries -- they jointly have enuff clout to stand up to GB and the US if it comes to that. (Remember, these 2 super powers aren't concerned w/ saving lives, just saving face, so need to avoid further blunders, etc). We may actually win this one.

--- On Thu, 8/16/12, Jenifer Cartwright <jencart13 at yahoo.com> wrote:And, uh, just HOW do YOU know about these secret cables??? Of course the US is trying to deal w/ this, as is GB, to get what they want AND to save face (understatement), which is what this is all about anyhow... But this becomes harder and harder when the story gets- and stays Out There. GB made a huge blunder here (doubtless following US orders), and I'm hoping the US recognizes this and backs off. I'm more hopeful than worried at this point (yes, the US is capable of great evil, and great stupidity, but I'm hoping this isn't gonna continue to be one of those times). 

--- On Thu, 8/16/12, Rohn Koester <rohnkoester at gmail.com> wrote:Today's NYT story includes the fact that Assange once stayed with a friend
 and apparently didn't flush the toilet often enough. Thanks for that.

Is this real-time irony? Even now, secret diplomatic cables are being sent back and forth about the possibility of storming the Ecuadoran embassy and/or generating the right combination of incentives to prompt Correa to change his mind and turn over Assange. Unless someone like Bradley Manning risks his life to send these communications to some outlet like Wikileaks, and someone like Julian Assange risks his life to publish them, we won't ever know. The Obama Administration is willing to torture and kill to maintain that silence.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Karen Medina <kmedina67 at gmail.com> wrote:

Yay, Ecuador. 

GREAT NEWS -- Ecuador came thru for Assange!! 


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