[Peace-discuss] Suggestion for AWARE Films

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 12:53:25 UTC 2012

HIGH: #ReGeneration (Virgil Films; $19.99, DVD)

Who’s Responsible: Written and directed by Phillip Montgomery;
narrated (and produced) by Ryan Gosling; appearances by Noam Chomsky,
Howard Zinn, Talib Kweli.

What It’s All About: The film’s marketing suggests it’s a documentary
about the Occupy movement, but it’s got a more ambitious agenda than
that. #ReGeneration feels less interested in the economic roots of the
protests than in the cultural underpinnings of Occupy (mass media
manipulation, the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,
corporatization, the crumbling educational infrastructure, our
interactions with computer and TV screens instead of each other).
Interview subjects include activists, intellectuals, high school
students, the founder of Adbusters magazine, and just plain folks who
feel somewhat helpless about their ability to change the world.

Why It’s Schmancy: Packing such ambitious subject matter into 81
minutes leads to a certain lack of focus, but the movie ultimately
stands as a rallying cry for the new “Me Generation” to rediscover a
sense of community and to fight back against being turned into
wage-slave drones controlled by shadowy figures on high. It’s also
probably one of the few documentaries you’ll ever see that features
critiques of the media from both the legendarily leftist Chomsky and
Libertarian Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson.

Why You Should Buy It: The bonus features are relatively meager, but
the deleted scenes include more thoughts from the late Zinn (A
People’s History of the United States), some interesting interviews
with Japanese teens and their parents (who seem to be dealing with the
same cultural issues as their North American peers) and the use of the
phrase “Coca-Colonization,” which I kinda love.

Read More at: http://movieline.com/2012/08/28/battleship-regeneration-dvd-releases-ryan-gosling-rihanna-taylor-kitsch-high-and-low/#utm_source=copypaste&utm_campaign=referral

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 5:55 AM, C. G. Estabrook <cge at shout.net> wrote:
> The first one, not the second:
> http://movieline.com/2012/08/28/battleship-regeneration-dvd-releases-ryan-gosling-rihanna-taylor-kitsch-high-and-low/
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-- karen medina
"The really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain

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