[Peace-discuss] how about a Durbin letter to President Obama on new CIA chief and drone strike policy?

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Sat Dec 1 20:52:44 UTC 2012

What do you think of the idea of Senator Durbin sending a letter to
President Obama ahead of his announcement of his pick to head the CIA,
saying this is an opportunity for a fundamental reform of the drone
strike policy; in particular, getting the CIA out of drone strikes (a
proposal which has been endorsed by the Washington Post editorial
board, Human Rights Watch, and the 9/11 Commission.)

That could be the marquee demand for a list of reforms of drone strike
policy that Senator Durbin would like to see, knocking down the most
egregious aspects of current policy, such as:

- legal justification not disclosed
- civilian victims not compensated
- civilian harm not publicly assessed
- secondary strikes/attacks on rescuers
- signature strikes whose targeting criteria violate international law
on their face

Here's some relevant ink:

Obama’s pick for CIA could affect drone program

US: Transfer CIA Drone Strikes to Military
Ensure Intelligence Agency Abides by International Law
APRIL 20, 2012

Pulling the U.S. drone war out of the shadows

Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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