[Peace-discuss] my comment to WILL/IPR Fwd: Chat with IllinoisPublic Media's Kimberlie Kranich today over lunch and tellher what information you want from us so you can be aninformed voter. Today at noon online

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu May 31 21:40:21 UTC 2012

This has been an interesting discussion... but I would like to get
back to my original point:
Voting is not enough.

Ultimately, citizens need to see that voting is the smallest
responsibility they need to do in a democracy.

1) A bad democracy can become a system (like the one we have) where
the richest people get their favorite candidate into office.

2) Even in a good democracy, all politicians will disappoint us. They
will promise one thing and deliver something different.

3) FDR's promises were not what led him to action. It was the pressure.

4) Even George W. Bush would not have been able to do what he did if
the people had not let him do those things.

Therefore, the responsibility of the citizen CANNOT center on voting.

--- quote in support of my point ---
“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
ATTRIBUTION:The response is attributed to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—at the
close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he
left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation.

-- quote ---
The relationship between African Americans and Franklin D. Roosevelt
presents something of a paradox. On the one hand, Roosevelt never
endorsed anti-lynching legislation; he accepted segregation and
disenfranchisement; and he condoned discrimination against blacks in
federally funded relief programs. On the other hand, Roosevelt won the
hearts and the votes of African Americans in unprecedented numbers.
[... Langston Hughes] criticized the unfulfilled promises that FDR had
made to the poor [in his poem, Ballad of Roosevelt].

--- Ballad of Roosevelt ---

The pot was empty,
The cupboard was bare.
I said, Papa,
What’s the matter here?

I’m waitin' on Roosevelt, son,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt,
Waitin' on Roosevelt, son.

The rent was due,
And the lights was out.
I said, Tell me, Mama,
What’s it all about?

We’re waitin' on Roosevelt, son,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt,
Just waitin' on Roosevelt.

Sister got sick
And the doctor wouldn’t come
Cause we couldn’t pay him
The proper sum—

A-waitin on Roosevelt,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt,
A-waitin' on Roosevelt.

Then one day
They put us out o' the house.
Ma and Pa was Meek as a mouse

Still waitin' on Roosevelt,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt.

But when they felt those
Cold winds blow
And didn’t have no
Place to go

Pa said, I’m tired
O’waitin' on Roosevelt,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt.

Damn tired o‘ waitin’ on Roosevelt.
I can’t git a job
And I can’t git no grub.

Backbone and navel’s
Doin' the belly-rub—

A-waitin' on Roosevelt,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt.

And a lot o' other folks
What’s hungry and cold
Done stopped believin'
What they been told
By Roosevelt,

Roosevelt, Roosevelt—

Cause the pot’s still empty,
And the cupboard’s still bare,

And you can’t build a
Out o' air—

Mr. Roosevelt, listen!
What’s the matter here?

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