[Peace-discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT: An alternative to tonight's debate

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Thu Oct 4 03:07:04 UTC 2012

And the Red Sox lost 14-2 ... too.

The best tweets I saw on this pathetic exercise tonight (the other one) included

Occupy Wall Street ‏@OccupyWallSt
There is no difference between the republicrats #debate2012 #samedude

David Swanson ‏@davidcnswanson
Never mind bailouts, taxcuts, militarism, corp trade, prisons, deportations, kill lists, he'd win if he'd look at camera! #ExpandTheDebate

Climate Progress ‏@climateprogress
Sad that a debate focused on domestic issues had nothing on #climate and little on environment. Let's break the #climatesilence!

Going to work for Jill Stein @MMFlint ...And the rest of us? What are WE doing tomorrow?

Matt Stoller ‏@matthewstoller
Tonight, Obama looked like an insulated bureaucrat surrounded by yes men. That's b/c he is an insulated bureaucrat surrounded by yes men.

Occupy Congress ‏@OCongress
And the winner of the #DenverDebate is Wall Street.

Anon Street Medics ‏@AnonMedics
Remember that time Obama held a fancy, expensive donor dinner while across the bay we got teargassed and shot at in Oakland? Memories.

Matt Stoller ‏@matthewstoller
Network should demand creative changes, new cast for next season of 'presidential debate'

VANITY FAIR ‏@VanityFair
Good LORD Obama wouldn't win a student council election against a chubby nerd with that closing argument.

Kevin Renfrow ‏@renfrowk
If Mitt gets belligerent in this debate then Obama can have him "imprisoned without trial" under NDAA. #NDAARuling #Decision2012 #debate2012

Mike Elk ‏@MikeElk
Most orwellian part of debate is when Romney criticizes Obama for cutting military, though Obama has expanded wars everywhere


On Oct 3, 2012, at 6:02 PM, C. G. Estabrook <cge at shout.net> wrote:

> If you can't stand to watch the debate tonight - and I think the Yankees-Redsox game has more significance than this largely content-free contest between two minions of the 1% (see http://blackagendareport.com/content/fifteen-issues-election-not-about) - there is another possibility:
> (CH. 6 & 99 IN C-U - AND NOW STREAMING ONLINE AT <http://urbanapublictelevision.org/livestream>)
> on Thursday 10/4 at 2 pm; Friday 10/5 at 10 pm; and Sunday 10/7 at 9:30 pm.
> EXPANDING THE DEBATE: Third Party Candidates Participate in Real Time on Democracy Now!’s Live Coverage of First Presidential Debate
> Featuring Jill Stein of the Green Party and Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party 
> As President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney square off in the first presidential debate in Denver on October 3, Democracy Now! will broadcast live from Denver with a special expanded presidential debate from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. ET. We will air the debate, pausing after questions to include equal time responses from two presidential contenders who were shut out of the official debate: Jill Stein of the Green Party and Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party.
> ###

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