[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] Why we should vote (& much more) against Obama

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Thu Oct 25 16:13:49 UTC 2012


If we're casting Shakespeare, I'd prefer to be the Venetian general rather than the Roman one - particularly since recent work has shown the extent to which the play Othello is based on Italian comedy/farce (<http://www.theshakespeareunderground.com/2012/09/the-comedy-of-othello-commedia-dellarte-and-shakespeare-the-genre-bender/>).

Ya'aqov would make a good Iago (cf. "motiveless malignancy") - and I suppose you could be Emilia...

Surely a more worthwhile enterprise than the present discussion. --CGE

On Oct 24, 2012, at 10:14 PM, ya'aQov <yaaqovz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Rachel,
> ocCUpy's list is not moderated; Carl takes full advantage of that for his exploits; we each can moderate our inboxes by filtering his eMails to spam/delete; but he keeps coming with new eMail addresses, he's got the means; he also doesn't work 40 hours a week, and is not too tired to trick those who do and are too tired to keep creating filters.
> Income+health insurance-wise, Carl is not part pf the 47% and can afford any president; and as Shakespeare said ('Julius Caesar'), Carl is an honorable man.

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