[Peace-discuss] Canadian National Railway: Stop Delaying Amtrak Passenger Trains!

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Sun Feb 17 18:49:03 UTC 2013

One easy thing we could do to reduce U.S. carbon emissions that
contribute to climate chaos would be to get more Americans to take
trains more often. When you take the train, your marginal contribution
to carbon emissions is basically zero.

More Americans would take the train more often if they had greater
trust that the train would almost always be on time. Unfortunately,
Amtrak passenger trains are often delayed by freight trains, like the
Canadian National Railway, which owns the former Illinois Central line
between Chicago and New Orleans, among others in the U.S. (You can
share other examples or your story of passenger train delay in your
comment with your signature.)

Tell the Canadian National Railway to stop delaying Amtrak passenger
trains so we can get more Americans to ride the train and reduce our
carbon footprint by using infrastructure we already have.
Canadian National Railway: please stop delaying Amtrak passenger
trains with your freight trains. By ending your delay of Amtrak
passenger trains, you'll help make the use of passenger rail in the
United States more attractive and help us reduce our carbon emissions
and our contribution to climate chaos.



Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org

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