[Peace-discuss] Veterans Day IVAW/Citizen Soldier Alliance conversation - on militarism and its impacts on our lives, on your vision for a better future ...

Stuart Levy stuartnlevy at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 16:21:15 UTC 2013

/Today is Veterans Day - originally Armistice Day, marking not war but 
the peace at the end of the First World War./


Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and Civilian Soldier Alliance 
<http://www.civsol.org/> are launching a *social media campaign to shift 
the dialogue**around Veteran's day,* Monday, November 11th this year 
from one that implicitly supports war by avoiding any conversations of 
its costs towards a frank conversation on how U.S. militarism tears at 
the fabric that bonds our communities and has real impacts on peoples 
lives.  [...]

Conversation around Veterans Day are usually centered on sacrifice. This 
silences a deeper reflection on why, or whether those sacrifices are 
necessary in the first place.

Do you believe that our police forces are looking and acting more and 
more like soldiers? Do you think that the war in Afghanistan should have 
ended years ago (or better yet never happened) and that we should pull 
troops out now? Are you against a militarized border with Mexico? Do you 
believe that the impacted communities of wars deserve the right to heal 
and United States accountability to ensure it happens? Anyone who is 
interested in discussing, learning more about, or influencing the 
national discussion on the effects of U.S. militarism overseas and at 
home is invited to join us!

        *What can you do?*

Tweet and Facebook post your own experience or your community's 
experiences with US militarism. How have you been impacted by the wars 
abroad or the war at home? Feel free to talk about your vision for a 
better future free of militarized "solutions".

[thanks to Meg Miner and Sarah Lazare for pointing out that this is 

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