[Peace-discuss] 3 Tuesday meetings: County Board (jail followup), Urbana Council (discussion of traffic stop racial disparity), Urbana Library Board (new director search)

Paul Mueth paulmueth at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 12 12:59:13 UTC 2013

Re the two justice issues Durl has the stats on
Traffic stops, who has details on effectiveness
of pre trial services (other than Kalmanoff)
Who knows that part of the report well?
Note Kacich in Gazoo didn't bother to mention
That it's been useful elsewhere, parochial
Ya think?
Sent from my iPhone 3GS, It doesn't chat!

On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:58 AM, Stuart Levy <stuartnlevy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Three meetings all happening Tuesday night, Nov. 12th -
> 6pm Tue County Board committee-of-the-whole meeting, Brookens Center
>     Relevant to the No New Jails effort:
>     This meeting includes a report on one of the actions recommended by ILPP: pre-trial services.   County officials say they've been doing this for five weeks and are calling it a failure, and oh yes they'd like to use the money elsewhere, as written up in the N-G yesterday:
>       http://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/2013-11-10/group-pretrial-services-program-dud.html
>     Also to be considered: a request-for-proposals for groups to provide post-jail re-entry services.
>     See the agenda  ( http://www.co.champaign.il.us/countybd/COW_PPA_JSS_F/2013/131112agenda.pdf )
>     or the full Board packet ( http://www.co.champaign.il.us/countybd/COW_PPA_JSS_F/2013/131112agendafull.pdf )
> 7pm Tue Urbana City Council
>      They're to consider the IL Dept of Transportation statistics on traffic stops in Urbana, which show - for whatever reason - that people of color are far more likely to be stopped than whites are.   (The disparity is even greater in Urbana than in Champaign, or in Chicago.)  Durl writes:
>> The Urbana City Council will be discussing the implications of the racial disparities revealed in local IDOT traffic stop data to determine if it merits approving our request to form an Ad-Hoc Community/City Committee to study in more depth and detail the ongoing racial disparities involving primarily African-American drivers.
>> Todd Rent, Urbana Human Relations Director, will likely make a presentation to the city council addressing the traffic stop data, the city's recent actions in response to those racial disparities, and possibly some recommendations for further action.  Whether these will coincide with our request for the creation of an ad-hoc committee is unknown.
>> Therefore it is critically important that all who can attend and/or speak to this issue do so.  [...]
>> In short, our goal on November 12 is NOT to try to explain why these disparities exist or to place blame.  But rather to apply pressure to the City Council to open this process beyond the walls of city hall to involve the community in a joint dialogue with the UPD and city staff to study why these disparities exist and to determine how they can be minimized.
>> Specifically we want the city council to create an ad-hoc committee composed at least 30% minority representation, at least one representatives from each of our signatory organizations, members of the UPD, and city staff/elected officials.  The committee's charge would be to take the time and access the necessary resources to truly attempt to understand the dynamic of what is causing these racial disparities and to then make recommendations to address them.
> If interested, please contact Durl Kruse 
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