[Peace-discuss] FW: NPR

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 24 21:24:23 EDT 2014

If NPR appears to be acting strange, there is a reason........


I don't know if you heard about this - but it's a big deal: National Public Radio have been accepting money from the Fracking Industry lately and it's been influencing their coverage. Our friends at Environmental Action have been tracking this ugly story and campaigning to put an end to this disturbing trend. They're planning an awesome action in DC this week to show NPR they know what's going on, and they're going to stop it. (More information from them on this campaign can be found below.)

We know that money warping our best public institutions is an issue you care deeply about, whether it's fracking, Big Oil or the megabanks. Can you join us and Environmental Action in letting NPR know that it's time to step the frack back from fracking money?


John Sellers, The Other 98%


When we took 40,000 signatures to our meeting with NPR executives a few weeks ago, they said they were shocked to hear that the millions of dollars they accept from the fracking industry might be tainting their coverage. The Ombudsman and CEO promised to personally look into the issue.*

They lied. Which isn't surprising when you consider that not telling the truth about fracking has become something of a habit at NPR. Just last week another NPR reporter went on a special trip to report about how fracking is so awesome because it's allowing a resurgence of chemical manufacturing in Cancer Alley.**

Sign here if you've had it with NPR taking money from the fracking industry and then repeating their talking points. We'll deliver your name on a live broadcast beamed into NPR's headquarters so they can't ignore us.

NPR's been bought — lock, stock and microphones — by the fracking industry. And it's clear that if we want to change the coverage, we're going to have to treat its staff as a hostile witness. We have to make them listen because they don't want to hear the truth about fracking. So we're taking our message back to D.C. and we're going to beam a live signal into NPR's office. Will you sign on in support, so we can tell NPR you want them to tell the truth about fracking?

I still believe in NPR. I think there are good reporters in there that want to tell the truth about fracking. So, just like America used to beam western music and news into soviet-occupied Europe, we're going take our message of truth and beam it directly into NPR's headquarters on the FM band. These frackers may have bought the mouthpiece of NPR, but if anyone inside has a heart and ears, they wont be able to shut us out.

After all, that's what public radio is supposed to be about — the people speak on issues of national concern. National Public Radio hears, investigates and reports the truth. And the truth is all we've ever needed to beat the frackers. Sign here to have your name and message beamed into the NPR office on the radio.

Pump up the volume,

Drew and the team at Environmental Action

* Environmental Action, What Happened at NPR, December 18, 2013.

** Jackie Northam, German Chemical Giant BASF Benefits From Cheap U.S. Natural Gas, Morning Edition March 26, 2014.

        Other 98% Action is fighting the stranglehold that corporations have on our democracy. Like what we do? Make a $5 donation to support us here.

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